What will I do when I'm stress?

Hello guys. 
This would be the first post that I'll be talking about myself. Sounds awkward. But yeah. Just feeling to write about this. 

When my day went wrong or not good, or something just made me not in a bad mood, or I'm stress with too many of university's workload (assignment, etc...) or feel empty (and many more reasons), what will I do? Or how do I handle this emotion?

Obviously, as a girl, we won't talk to anyone right? Same goes to me. I feel everything is not ok. Nak marah semua orang je. So lazy to dress up and normally I will only wear all black to class. Muka for sure tunjuk sangat yang I'm not ok. If I'm stress with my studies, muka for sure barai cam tak cukup tidur en. So yeah.

However, that feeling won't fade away just like that. For me.
What will I do?I need to be alone. I need time for myself. That's me.
Usually, I will go out, specifically go to any shopping mall and just walk around. Jalan la satu mall tu. Masuk kedai itu ini. And keluar kan duit. It can be for foods. Or shopping.
I still remember, one time that I feel stress sebab banyak sangat problem kan. I jalan satu One Utama. Dah la One Utama tu besar. And then, sampai Brands Outlet I pi shopping. Guess what. I dalam kedai tu ambil masa about two hours tau. Hahah crazy. I spent almost RM 200!! Ya Ampun. Seb baik tak pokai je time tu hahaha. 
Recently, I stress sebab dah lama tak keluar. I personally, every week atleast kena keluar so that tak stress. Sebab dah hadap laptop and kerja je kan. So ada minggu tu tak keluar langsung. The next week to memang keluar lah. And keluar sorang kali ni. Memang spend duit for foods je. Quite a lot actually. I went to NU Sentral, pi makan 4FINGERS, beli Family Mart, pastu beli Mc Cafe. Pastu balik naik MRT sorang sorang. Fuhh release stress betul. Trust me. 

When you go out, walk alone, eat alone, naik MRT sesorang. You can think wisely sebenarnya. You fikir what will you do, what action you will take (if ada problem). You macam take off time for being alone. Tak cakap dengan sesiapa. That's good tau. Believe me. 

I think that is all that I want to share with you guys. So lepas ni, kalau nampak I takde mood di mana mana, just leave me alone yeah hahaha. Ok I know nobody cares but whateva. K byeeee! 
